
I binged yesterday but!!???

by  |  earlier

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Okay all last week i ate healthy and didnt binge once (i usually binge twice a week) and i sometimes ate less than 1000 calories...- not purposely..... but yesterday I binged with the same kind of foods I always do binge and now i have diarrhea... i've never gotten this before!??? was it because of my calorie intake the whole week before???




  1. You can retrain your body to anticipate certain foods - if it becomes accustomed to healthy food and you suddenly reintroduce a large amount of high-calorie food to your system, it doesn't react well. Bodies really don't want junk food.

    Take this as a good sign - next time you feel a binge coming on, try eating the high-calorie food slower. In my experience, I now want about three bites of it (whereas I would once eat a whole bowl of ice cream or ten cookies... lol)

    Eventually your body will likely reject "binge" foods altogether, and cravings will cease.  

  2. maybe you are allergic to something? or even something you ate was spoiled? was this someting dairy? Dairy products like milk are natural Diuretics.  

  3. It's because your system got used to healthy eating, so when it suddenly got something that is hard to absorb, it caused the diarrhea.

    Make sure to eat a banana to prevent diarrhea.

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