
I bit my wifes finger and the police came and arested and me on conditional bail,what the court will charge me

by  |  earlier

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i am going to court what do u think will happen in such is cases




  1. The judge is going to bite your finger and see if you like it.  

  2. you can be charged with domestic abuse....

  3. That sucks.

  4. You would have most likely been charged with Actual bodily harm. Dependant on the circumstances, the Court may just put you on a conditional discharge for 12 months.

  5. Base in what they charge you with,

    just ask your wife to take a vacation and do not show up in the court.

    any case will be dismiss as long she do not show up.

  6. Assault by biting. Domestic violence is a serious offence. You'll probably get bound over to keep the peace and be a good boy.

  7. Why did you bite it?  How hard did you bite it?  You'll probably be charged with misdemeanor assault and be sentenced to time already served or up to a month in jail (depending on the severity of the injury and circumstances of the situation).

  8. It will be thrown out hopefully, what a waste of money.

  9. LOL

  10. Youre an idiot...

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