
I blinded my rapist & i can't live with myself?

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a few weeks ago i was attacked by a man in a parking lot after work. he shoved me into my car & started trying to take my skirt off. i was so afraid that to defend myself i grabbed his head & shoved my thumbs through his eye sockets. he jumped back screaming & i climbed into the front of my car & drove off. i haven't seen him since. i can't live with myself. i took away this man's vision. what should i do? the police still haven't found him.




  1. You should pat yourself on the back.

  2. Take solace in the fact that he thoroughly ******* deserved it.

  3. He will think twice about trying it on another person.You were defending yourself,you have the right to do so and you have no idea if,in fact you did blind him.How would he have found his way home?Got the key out and entered his home if you had blinded him?

  4. Good for you! Maybe that worthless piece of c**p will think twice about his decisions in life.

    The fact that you feel bad for him simply shows that you're not a cold heartless person. To feel remorse in this case especially when you think back on things is normal. Truth is, you're looking at things backwards. Think back on how you felt when you realized you were being attacked and raped. Bet you didn't feel so good then did you.

    This person who attacked you deserved it plain and simple. He chose to violate your rights and commit a crime of rape so he needs to understand that with every decision there are repercussions. The greater the crime the greater the punishment.

    You will probably always have a feeling of remorse, but just think that maybe your actions have prevented countless other women from being his victims.

  5. honey, don't feel bad. it was self defense, and the man had it coming. he shouldn't have been preying on women like that. he should be glad his sight is all he lost. if he had attacked me he probably would have lost his life.

  6. He could have done the same to you or worse.Count yourself lucky that you survived.  

  7. So, you would rather be raped?  I don't understand.

    Because of what you did, he isn't likely to try it (and succeed) with another woman.

  8. Well serves him right. He could have taken much more away from you (like your life) I know you may feel bad now, but good for him. Now he won't try to violate someone else ever again.

  9. Good for you girl :)

    You should be nominated for "Pride of Britain " awards.

  10. i can see how you feel bad that you might have blinded the man but on the other hand he was the one who was trying to hurt you in the first place. Dont feel bad because it was the only thing that you could do to get him to stop. It was self defense and he was trying to rape you! he deserved it if you ask me! good luck and i hope this helped!

    also try talking to somebody about this if you havnt already!  

  11. Don't you dare feel guilty for the total t**t scum who tried to do that 2 you!!

    I have a petition on the internet to make me prime minister - one of my policy'sys is about dealing with rapists  --  if there caught they get there p***s chopped of and injected with sexually transmitted diseaseas

  12. Good for you. Don't lose one moments sleep over it. This country is too forgiving for such crimes. Let him live the rest of his life without site for his terrible wrongs!

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