
I borrowed a motorbility scooter at Morrissons to do me shopping but I never gave it back I drove it home?

by  |  earlier

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Now the manager is knocking on my door. I put it in the garage.

Should I answer the door and tell him I dont have it or should I just continue ignoring him? He has been back twice in an hour.




  1. morrisons ? tell him to BOG OF (isn't that their normal policy)

  2. Why did you tell him where you live?

  3. If you had to use one of the mobility scooters to do your shopping, don't you think other people need to use them as well. What happens next time you shop there and there are not any to use, because people like you abuse the facility. Give it back, it wasn't yours to take away, it was theft.

  4. Tell him to sod off, the profit they make? you have made me laugh which isn't easy have a star

  5. you should give it back they are people out there who needs them so do the decent thing and give it back

  6. Just act daft Crispy.

  7. i'd chop it and sell the parts.

  8. disconnect the battery and watch them push it back

  9. You have got to give it back,,,,or ,,they will inform mr,morrison,,,and he Dont give Owt ,for Nowt,,,,,

  10. hahahaha, keep ignoring him

  11. open the door & tel him the truth, tel him what u did to the bike, then give him a day to sleep on ur body cus it would be like a spring bed to him, or give half of the flesh from ur body & tel him to sell it & buy a new bike,,, so do something like that, u have nothing to worry when u have a body like a bull...

  12. sit on him

  13. If you don't give it back (with an apology), you won't be able to shop at Morrisons any more.

  14. Admit you've got it then give him a lift back to Morrison's and then walk back home, you could do with the exercise.

  15. telll him u ate it

  16. just ignore him......he`ll soon go away when he gets hungry.

  17. Tell him you thought it was use one get one free.

  18. throw a bucket of water over him & tell him to bugger off

  19. It will be useless unless you have a matching battery charger so give the d**n thing back!! LOL

  20. If it was up to me i would give it to you just because . I hope you don't get in any trouble

  21. Seriously?  Oh dear.  Best to come clean and congratulate the manager for having a policy that helps that helps disabled people ... and they even have a pick -up service for returning the scooter :)

    Try it it might work

  22. Tell him to get on his bike !...Atleast you don't have to you have a scooter.

  23. don't he will get the fuzz on to you tell him you are sorry he might let you off.

  24. You are asking this question because at the back of your mind you are feeling some guilt about it. Why loose your peace of mind for a little electric scooter? You're never gonna be able to drive it without the feeling that someone from Morrissons might be following you to get their scooter back. Think, and you will realise what you really want to do now.

  25. You say you  borrowed a mobility scooter at Morrison's to do your shopping but you never gave it back and  drove it home?

    The thing is you haven't borrowed it you have stolen it because you haven't taken it back. You crook !

  26. give it back.

  27. troll

  28. No.. don't answer the door.

    Wait till the cops show up.  Barricade the door.  tellt hem you have a gun.

    Make then shoot tear gas in your windows and have the SWAT team come take you down.

  29. lmao, Give it back


  30. You stole it. Give it back and take your punishment like a man.

  31. I think you'd better open the door, apologise profusely and give it back before you find yourself up for theft.

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