
I borrowed a trailer from a guy and the rotted tire that was on it blew up, do I need to replace it?

by  |  earlier

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I put the spare on the trailer, but it is really my responsiblility to replace the other tire since it was old and rotted out and blew up within 10 miles?




  1. Good question. I think I'd try to find a good used tire that doesn't cost much and put on the rim and back on the trailer. I hate to borrow things from other people, because something always happens like that to me.

  2. Maybe he didn't know it was rotted. Since you put the spare on you did right. Just make sure he knows the old one was rotted and show it to him. Personally I keep all of my tools, etc, in good working order so thing like this won't happen.

  3. YOU borrowed it, the tire blew out while you were in possession of the trailer, replace the tire!

  4. think about it--he loaned you his trailer!!!  tell him about it and see what he says--if the tire was really old,maybe pick up a used one from a tire shop--should cost around $10

  5. Personally, I wouldn't if the tire was already falling apart when you borrowed it. I would call the friend and say 'you wouldn't believe what happened to me......did you know that the tire was rotted??' Chances are they didn't ( or they aren't a good friend to have loaned it as is) Odds are they would feel guilty about loaning out damaged goods. (I would)

    If they loaned it out in THAT poor of condition, then no. I wouldn't replace it.

  6. if you would have had to pay to rent the trailer elsewhere, then you should offer him a small amount for the replacement tire, but do show him that the tire was rotted.  a good friend wouldn't ask you to pay to replace it if it was already in bad condition.

  7. Yup--but a used tire or a retread would be okay.

  8. If the tire was rotten then no you do not need to replace the tire. Just keep the old tire and show him.

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