
I bought 100 shares for $60 yesterday and it has reached $62 today. how do I calculate interest earned?

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What is the formula for calculating the interest, on a daily or weekly or monthly basis?




  1. Summer School Homework?

  2. To start with, if you are investing in shares you do not get interest. You earn a profit- called capital gain. I think you are trying to find your profit earned. You earn a $2 profit per share (or pps). This means you have a net profit of $200- for 100 shares.

    To calculate your percentage profit, you find how much profit you earned and divide that by the amount invested, and multiply by 100. In this case, you earned 200 and invested 6000. Therefore, your percentage profit = 200/6000 x 100 = 0.033333 x 100 = 3.33%

  3. if you really bought the stocks, you have to take trading FEES also, so it isnt really 3%, might be slightly lower =)

  4. I don't think you want interest, but the percent increase in your money.  The increase is determined by 62/60 or a 3.33333% increase.

  5. Well, that is not interest, that is capital gains.

    If you had $6,000 yesterday, and $6,200 today, you can't figure out how much you made?

    Looks like $200 to me.  $200 3.3333% of $6,000.

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