... to add to my community tank. I have already in the tank - another 2 male guppies, 4 rummynose tetra, 2 albino corys, 2 african dwarf frogs, a hong kong pleco (stays small) and an old male betta...
My new guppies were fine on Saturday and yesterday, and they were all there this morning when I fed them... I've just been looking in my tank, and one of the guppies has totally disappeared...!!!! I can't see him anywhere, and neither are there any 'remains' of him.... what's going on?!?!?!!?!?
Before anyone says it's the betta - he has been in my tank the longest, nearly 2 years now, and he's never been aggressive to the other fish, especially now as he's getting old and slowed down alot.
Over the weekend, I watched my tank alot, as I always do when I add new fish, and I didn't see any aggression towards the guppies from any of the fish, it all looked like a nice peaceful tank.....
I have a lid, so he can't have 'jumped ship'....!!!!
I presume he must have been eaten :( but which of the other fish would have done that - and not left any bones???