
I bought a 4 year performance service plan from Best Buy, am I covered?

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I bought an amp and I bought the 4 year service plan. Recently I was replacing some wiring on my amp and I accidentally touched a couple of wires and now my amp isn't working. It says I am protected from power fluctuations and things like that, which i would say that would be some type of power fluctuation. But do you think I am covered?




  1. no.

  2. No.  Check the fuse, look at it if the metal "z" is broken then it's blown, replace it and it should work.  If all else fails try BB.

    I'm sorry you got suckered into the biggest scam ever, i mean the extended warranty.

  3. Yes, best buy is not going to be very strict on their service policy.  They won't be able to tell how the amp was damaged anyways.  

    If your amp doesn't work I would recommend checking the fuses on it first.  It could simply be that you blew a fuse in the amp.

    Good Luck!!!

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