
I bought a DTV box and it didn't work, so I took it back? Anyone else have this problem?

by  |  earlier

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Actually bought two of the same brand, so the coupon was used up and can't get it back. I think a lot of people will be without TV in Feb 2009. How will the TV advertisers cope??




  1. well not all signals are all digital yet.  there are still alot of analog signals out there.  are you hooking it up to an old tv with no cable box.  did you hook it up right...

  2. Some models of the converters to first show up in stores had rather high failure rates.  What model did you buy?

    While stores can't give you back your coupons (or refund the $40), they are allowed to exchange defective converters. Where did you buy them? Didn't they offer to exchange them?

    By the time 2/2009 rolls around, you will be able to buy a converter box for around $40 cash, how many people will be willing to give up TV rather than spend $40? Not too many.

    If someones old TV burns out, wouldn't they just replace it rather than do without?  

    I doubt if TV advertisers worry that much about any viewers that can't find an extra $40 with a year's advanced notice. They're looking for people to buy their products, not people with no disposable income.

    Plus as people replace their old TVs with new ones and other people discover they don't need a converter with cable TV, used converters will start showing up for less.

    Judging from the questions that show up, there seem to be quite a few people who don't understand:


    The converters are for use with antenna TV only and have nothing to do with cable or satellite TV.


    You have to connect an antenna to the converter and adjust it, just like you would a TV.


    You have to read the converter's manual enough to understand how to tell it to scan for digital channels.

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