
I bought a big backpack to go to Europe, what else can I use to carry my camcorder and SLR camera?

by  |  earlier

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These 2 items are quite big combined and my backpack is already big enough for me to handle. Is there something that everybody uses to carry the accessories when they go backpacking? Should I get a small side bag to hold my cameras and lenses?




  1. browsing around seeing similar questions to yours. people  have been suggesting getting a backpack style camera bag. bags that come with triangle slots so your camera points do. My suggestion is don't get a shoulder strap back which could be a problem while backpacking. load the camera bag on the top of your MAIN backpack bag so they sit near your shoulders, any lower could hurt your bag. i hope this helps.

  2. You could get a sling and have it slung in the front, therefore helping to distribute some of the weight.  (Kind of like the baby slings or a big sling purse you can cross over your shoulder/chest).  You could also look into something large enough to go around your waist with the bulk in the front of your body.  Adding another bag to your back area would not have any benefit and you want to keep your hands free so these are my suggestions.  Good luck and have fun!  Be safe!

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