
I bought a bottle of red wine last night. Question inside...?

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When I was opening it with corckscrew it didn't feel it then when I went to pull the cork out with the corkscrew only the the corkscrew came out not the cork. Now The is hole in the middle of the cork where I tried to open it with corkscrew. How do I get the cork out because now the corkscrew can't rescrew in to get the cork out.




  1. College method: using a tool, push the cork into the wine or cut it to pieces so it falls apart.  Use a paper towel (or, obviously, cheesecloth if you have it) to strain the wine as you pour it into a decanter or pitcher, and enjoy.

    Napoleon method: Using a sturdy knife, or sword, put the flat side of the blade on the neck so the edge is facing the mouth of the bottle.  Rap the edge against the "lip" at the mouth a few times, doing it a little harder each time, until the lip cracks.  Then run the mouth of the bottle under hot water in your sink at full blast, to make sure any little glass shards come out.  Now you should be able to pull the cork out with your fingers (watch the sharp edge) or a pair of pliers or other tool.

  2. It's happened to me before! Put the corkscrew back in the hole and push the s***w against the side while pulling upwards and some of the cork should come out. Repeat and repeat!

    Once enough of the lousy cork comes out decant and strain.

    Too bad!


  3. If the hole's not big, you can try this.  I've used this method for opening wine when I didn't have a corkscrew.  It may sound odd, but it works.

    Although I've only used it four or five times, I've never had a bottle break.  But just in case, I don't want to be responsible for any breakage or injuries.  Be careful.  I've always done this outdoors, btw.

    Select a very sturdy wooden post (like a 4 x 4 or larger) or really big tree for a pounder.

    Start pounding the flat of the bottom of the bottle against your chosen pounder.  Make sure to keep the bottom of the bottle absolutely flat when striking the pounder.  Strike it firmly, but not too hard.

    If the cork hasn't budged after several strikes, strike a little harder each time.  The cork will begin to slowly inch it's way out of the bottle.  Once the cork starts moving, use that same pressure with subsequent strikes.  You want to hit hard enough to get the cork moving, without breaking the bottle.

    It takes a couple of minutes, but it works.

  4. 1.  s***w the corkscrew "off-center"

    2. use a cork puller (thin metal that goes between the cork & the bottle

    3. push it in the bottle

    4. use a coat hanger, bend one end slightly, and stick it in so it catches the cork on the underside

    5. literally break the stem off, some sommelier do this at your table at fancy restaurants

    next time, use a CO2 cork puller, or a better non-stick s***w that grips the bottle correctly when inserting/pulling.

  5. Simple.  Push the cork in the bottle.  Use a strainer or if you have a decanter a lot of them come with their own strainers.

    Thats just to catch any little pieces of cork that might fall off.

  6. get a really small utensil and try to pry it out!

    hope it works


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