
I bought a car,i signed a contract ,now the don't want to give my money back?

by  |  earlier

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2 weeks ago i bought a car in a carpet event,i signed a "contract" i had the car for 2 weeks ,they were some wrong information in the cotract like miles,etc,i signed for monthly payments,next payment due date,but it didn't show nothing about the bank was financing that purchase,..2 weeks later i was driving the car,i bouth insurance etc..they tell me i need a cosigner..i don't have any..i gave them the car and now they don;t want to give my deposit that legal.? i was driving a car was never mine,they never got me aproved...can i contact a lawyer? .....




  1. This happens every day, primarily with people who have flawed credit. The dealer hopes he can arrange financing for you but he finds he can't get anyone to accept you without more money, higher rates, and/or a co-signer. If you don't accept and return the car, he should return your deposit. However, some dealers will charge you a "rental fee" for the time you drove the car and I know that is legal in some states.

  2. They, the dealer that is, have 10 days to cancel your contract. If they do they have to give you every cent back.

    Read this, its written by a lawyer who specializes in auto fraud:

    I would contact the manufacturer. They all have customer service departments and maybe able to pressure the dealer into giving you your money back.

    When you call, be calm, clear and courteous and do not back down.

    Its not polite to call people a moron.

  3. Another "spot delivery". Tell them either you get your money back or you will contact the Attorney general and inform them of their business practices. Keep the car until they do.

  4. I am a 12 year car salesman.  I can tell 2 things from your story. First, id bet you bought in a big city, second you bought from a S****y dealer.  We are not all like that.  You cant keep the car because the can prerss charges.  You signed a paper saying if something happened with financing, you would return the car.  They may have slipped it in on you without telling you but you signed it.  I dont know your state laws but id bet they are telling you the reason you dont get your money back is because of the miles and time you spent in the car.  This is a horrible way to do business.  I would contact your states attourney general, thats all you can do.  Good luck, I hope all works out.

  5. Several things:

    1) Whoever said "you have 10 days to take the car back" is a moron. There is no "buyer's remorse" law on vehicle purchases.

    2) If you signed a piece of paper saying your deposit was nonrefundable, you're stuck. If not, you should get every penny back.

    3) If they did a "spot delivery", and let you take it without securing financing, that's their fault. You need to take the car back and hand them the keys, then demand your deposit back. Do not "keep the car 'til they give you the deposit back". It belongs to the dealer, not you, until a bank signs off on the loan. If you refuse to take it back, they can report it stolen.

    Advice? Don't waste your money contacting a lawyer now. Take the car back, hand them the keys, demand your deposit back. If they refuse to give you the deposit, THEN contact an attorney.

    **EDIT** "Folladj" -- "Moron", wasn't aimed at you, sorry. Shot you an email.

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