
I bought a car and then I didn't want it. I never transfer title into my name.. Titles in previous owner name

by  |  earlier

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I bought a car and then I didn't want it anymore. But, I never transfer title into my name.. Title is in the previous owner's name. When previous owner sold the car to me, he left the buyers area and date blank.. He never filled anything out.. So, 6 months later I sold the car to this guy and filled his name in the buyers space and dated it.. I also had him sign a bill of sale stating the car was sold as " a storage container or for parts " The new buyer went to retitle and all that and had issues.. Am I off the hook? My contention to the DMVand the buyer is that I purchase and sold it as a storage container or parts.. I didn't need to re-title it in my name. Am I off the hook? He is taking me to court becuase I refuse to re-title it and or pay the sales tax when I owned it.




  1. Congratulations, you're off the hook.  Don't let the fact that you cheated the state out of the taxes they were due to collect bother you in the least.  Remember, Karma.

    You not only cheated the state out of taxes, but sold something that wasn't yours to sell since it wasn't in your name.  Be proud.

  2. Oh, honey, the DMV is NOT obligated to get you fixed up!

    You're the guy on the hook.  You sold a car, without legally owning it.  You didn't title it in your name, and you didn't pay taxes on it.  You're not a dealer, so you can't "exempt" yourself from paying taxes and title when you buy a car.

    Selling it for parts doesn't rid you of the legal obligation to give him a clean title.   It's not YOU that decides if you have to pay sales tax and title the car.  It's state law.  And if you want to resell the car, you need to pay sales tax and title the car.

    If he takes you to court, you're going to lose - so you might as well refund his money now and save yourself the legal fees.

  3. You are on the hook & the new owner has every right to take you to court!  Just because you 'changed your mind' does not give you the right to transfer your problems to some unsuspecting person.  Stand up and take responsibility, think twice next time.

  4. No, you are not off the hook.  It was your responsibility to transfer the title into your name.  Sorry but I am glad he is taking you to court - why should he be punished for your neglect?!  It has nothing to do with being a goody-goody or whatnot, it has to do with doing the right thing.  Look out because legally I believe the original owner could sue you too!!!!!

  5. Save yourself a trip to court and see what it's going to take to get the car legal and pay for it or take it back and issue a refund then donate the car or pay to take it to a salvage yard. You're going to end up in a world of hurt. The small claims judge may refer the case to criminal court after he's done with you. You broke several laws.

    You can say you sold it for toilet paper but that doesn't put you in the clear. If you stipulate the car isn't registration ready because it needs work done on it, like it can't pass the smog tests you'd be ok but there is an assumption under the law that when you sell a vehicle the paperwork is in order.

  6. You cannot legally do what you have attempted to do.  This is called "jumping the title".  You can be arrested for jumping titles. To be legal you must first get a title in your name.  Then you can sell "YOUR" car.  Your BS is only exceeded by your naivety.  Since when can a vehicle suddenly be declared a storage container by YOU ?  You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool any of us here....

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