
I bought a car from a desist estate about 3 months ago and i just started pulling it apart for restoration?

by  |  earlier

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and i found a large bag of cash behind the back seat almost $36.000 Australian dollars

I cannot return cash as owners are dead

the house i got it from was sold and knocked down

would you keep it

as i plan to




  1. at least it was not a maggot pie.

    enjoy you gained it legit.

  2. I would keep it.  I'm not the least bit morally retarded.  I wouldn't need a rationalization.

    If the owners were alive, I'd give it back.

  3. Just keep it, there dead so just keep and don't listen to what everyone else says, because i bet if you died and they found cash in your car they wouldn't give it back. Also the family probably doesn't know about it so why tell them it won't change their life!!

  4. Tell ya what, I'll come get it and take it to the authorities for you. That way, your conscience is clear.

  5. They might be deceased,but I bet they have family.So no I wouldn't keep it as that is still stealing.

  6. i would keep it, there's no point giving it to local authorities as the owners of the money have passed away, along with the house

  7. Your conscience will bother you if you keep it. My conscience has been programmed to situational ethics and I would not have a problem.  Would you like my bank details?

  8. Keep it, don't bank it and don't spend it in too large a quantity.

    Half your luck,.

    Good on ya.

  9. Lucky so and so!

    Someone I knew bought a caravan at a deceased auction once, when he was cleaning it out he found $9000 behind a draw, local cop told him as he owned the caravan the money was his, so good luck, spend it wisely.

  10. Well, in all honesty, you own the car. You also own everything in it.

    I could sleep easy at night. Sometimes you find bonuses in cars (most the time I feel lucky finding gold coins) and sometimes you find a mouldy lolly under a seat.

    I think the correct procedure would be to have it counted, and certified by a JP, then hand the money in to the local Police Station. Tell them the truth, and it will sit there for 3 month, and they will call you and say that the money is yours.

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