
I bought a car on Saturday today is Monday I dont want the car NOW!!!?

by Guest65878  |  earlier

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It has waay too many miles not a good deal. They haven't found a bank to finance me yet they are still looking. I said I am coming to pick up my CAR TODAY!! Can I do this? Even if I signed the paper work. Its not my car yet...RIGHT??




  1. it is your car,papers are signed,BUT you can still back out,they might whine a little but poo happens.

  2. There are no lemon laws or law allowing you to return a USED car.   Almost every USED car sale in the US is an "as-is" sale.  What you see is what you get - do the research (Carfax) and the inspection ahead of time - there is no turning back the clock!

    The exceptions are

    California Car Buyer's Bill of Rights - You have the option to PURCHASE for a small fee the right to return the car for 48 hours.

    Minnesota has a similar law.

    Now, since you have not paid yet and not recieved the car - you are in a slightly different boat.  If you back out of the deal - it's probably not worth it to them to try and sue you over it.

  3. legally you should have a 24 hr cooling off period before a contract is iron clad. This is normally a working day 24hrs, therefore the weekend would not count.

    The contract will state all this, read it.

    Contracts always tell you exactly what is what that is why it is so important to always read the fine print before signing.

  4. There is no "cooling-off" period in auto sales. You signed paperwork saying that (pending bank financing) you would pay back the amount owed. You also took delivery of the vehicle. So, ALL that is left as far as hope is that you don't gain bank financing. If they cannot finance you, oh well, take the car back and hand them the keys.

    **NOTE** Lola provided a link to nolo's site regarding "Cooling-off" laws. However, this does not apply to vehicle sales. It even states on that link:

    "There are several federal laws (known as "cooling-off rules") that allow you to cancel certain contracts within a few days of signing them. They apply to contracts made during door-to-door or trade show sales, contracts for home equity loans, or delayed mail order or Internet purchases. In addition, some states' laws allow you to cancel contracts for health club memberships, dating services, and weight loss programs, among other contracts." --- Nowhere on here does it mention vehicle sales, private or dealer.

  5. If you BOUGHT the car it's yours! If you are trying to arrange financing, you haven't bought the car.

  6. Depending on the state. Most states DO NOT have a cooling off period. If you are old enough to sign a contract you are old enough to live with YOUR decision. Lesson learned, make sure you Know what you are buying before you buy it.... However, that being said, the vehicle is not legally yours until you drive it off the lott no matter what you've signed. Once you hit the road though you have a legal binding contract and its entirely up to the dealership to let you out or allow you to pick a different car.. Goodluck and don't try to be pushy, you'll just p**s them off and you need them on your side  

  7. Usually you have 3 business days to cancel  a contract. So, I would say that NO you don't have to buy the car.

    See listed site.

  8. Yes you can back out of it. Tell them that you will not proceed with the deal & that they can keep the car. They will raise h**l about it I assure you. If they proclaim to have a lender, get their number right then & there. Grab that cell phone & tell them you have no intention of repaying the loan. The dealer will be forced to keep that car b/c it hasn't been paid for. This isn't new to a dealer so don't let them bully you. They will try. It's just business. They want the money, not the car.  

  9. The key here is "they haven't found a bank to finance me"!  This is your best out...pray your credit remains in the dumpster!  

  10. There is no 24 hour (or 24 day ir 24 minute) cooling off period regarding an auto contract. NONE! Your only hope is that they can't finance you. You signed the contract and can't back out of it. You can refuse to pay all you want, but they have your signature on a legal document that states you will pay.

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