
I bought a clearblue easy fertility monitor and ovulation test. Im confused when I should taking the ov test.

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my cycle is all out of whack very irregular. and because u can only start testing once you start your cycle. I'm afraid I may be ovulating when im unable to use the clearblue monitor. (I hope i'm not confusing anyone )




  1. do you have the clearblue easy monitor that you buy at the pharmacy?  The one where you test sticks every single day for the month?  

  2. I am very irregular too and I have been to a couple of fantastic fertility Dr's in the 6 years I was TTC.  All of the Dr's and my current OB have told me that there is absolutely no point in anyone who is irregular wasting money on any type of fertility monitor for precisely the reason that you are talking about, that you can't possibly know what days to test on and even if you do test for a solid month there is no guarantee that you even ovulated in that month.  Remember that just because you have a period doesn't mean that you ovulated and just because you ovulated doesn't mean that you will have a period.  I know this does not help with the monitor that you have sunk a bunch of money into but maybe the best thing to do is to talk to your Dr about some medication to regulate you periods and ovulation and then start testing.  Good Luck.

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