
I bought a fancy dwarf hamster and i want another one but the store i got it from sold the rest of that litter

by  |  earlier

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would it be ok if i put them in the same cage if not is their a way to make them not fight.




  1. there is no way to make them not fight sorry but you could get another cage  : )

  2. Fancy hamsters are a fancy name for syrian hamsters. Syrian hamsters are very solitary and should only be kept one to a cage. So do not buy another one and put them in the same cage.

    In pet shops you will see such hamsters in the same cage living together. That is becoz they are still young and any hamster, even syrians, can stay with another hamster when they are young but when they become adults, they can turn territorial and start showing vicious attitude towards other hamsters sharing their cages.

    They cannot stick together and will definitely have a vicious fight one day (rather night, since they are active only at night) and you will see a viciously killed hamster in the cage one morning when you wake up.

    So don't try to put two fancy hamsters in one cage.

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