
I bought a fighter fish, few guppies and mollies. Can I put them all in one tank. My doubt about fighter fish

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I have a fisht pot, where in I have put few Guppy fish, Molly fish and One lovely fighter fish.

I doubt, if the fighter can create any problem to rest of my fish. My fish pot is big to have 6 litres of water in it.




  1. Fighter fish will see the long guppy tails and think that they are other fighters and may become territorial and aggressive.

    I hope you don't mean that you have all those fish in 6 liters which would be a disaster.

  2. You need a minimum of one gallon of water per inch of fish and even at that be testing it. Get the tank to "cycle" and stabilize to reduce stress. One male Beta won't cause the problem in a community tank - the other fish do because the long flowing fins attract nipping which can really stress Mr Beta out, he'll end up in that big rice paddy in the sky (or at least wasting away in a corner of the tank)

  3. I have a male betta in with guppies, and platys, one female blue gourami and there is absolutely nO problems!!  Though this is my experience, all fish have their own personalities so really it's one of those things that you try out and see if it works for you!  If not, then you will need to make other arrangements.

    I recommend that you give it a try, do it when you will be home for a couple of days and can keep an eye on them.  Sometimes I notice (with other fish) that some minor dominance can happen, just to show the new fish his rank in his new tank, this often disappears in a couple of days.

    Keep an eye on it and if it works, let us know! Just make sure you have a heater and a filter.. the betta can be kept at the same temp as the guppies..

    Happy Fish Keeping :)


  4. No you should not.

    Firstly your bowl is just enough for the fighter to survive and you should not be filling it up with so many fishes. Just like us even fishes require their space. Packing too many of them in a small place reduces their chances of survival as it lessens the dissolved oxygen that they can breathe.

    Secondly fighters do not do well with other fishes. They are aggressive as their name suggests and are territorial.

    Mollies and guppies while look nice when they swim around really lack character. Fighters are very beautiful fishes which become more and more graceful as they grow. So I would suggest you take care of it well.

  5. You are taking a big chance on putting a Betta in with your other fish. They are not good with other fish at all. Also I think your bowl is a little small for the amount of fish you want to put in it.

  6. Fighter fish (betta fish) are actually very good community fish, but not in the set-up that you're describing.

    A single betta really needs 5 gallons of filtered, heated water to be happy and healthy. The rest of those fish need a good amount of water as well. 6 liters is not even 2 full gallons, which is not sufficient for any of the fish you're asking about.

    As for the betta fish and the guppies, you need to be careful as the betta may see the male fancy guppies as opponents. Anything that resembles a betta (long, flowing fins or really bright colors) should be avoided because there is a good chance that the betta will attack. They are great with community fish that are not real showy, but not with other fish who look similar to themselves.

    In order to have the betta and a 2-3 mollies in one tank, you need at least 15 gallons of heated, filtered water. Anything less than that is going to be a problem.

    Good luck.

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