
I bought a fighting betta fish, its orange and red. What is the life span?

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What other fish can I put in its tank.




  1. 1-3 years. i had a betta and he lived for 1 1/2 years.they are great pets

  2. They usually live about 2-3 years , but bettas are known for living 6 years! i have a betta also i bought it a month ago. the person who sold it to me said it would live 2-3 years, but i read that some bettas are known for living 5-6 years. but u have to take care of them well.

  3. a betta lives about 2-3 years average

    but with better care 4-5 years old

    tankmates depend o the temperament of your betta and how big your tank is

    some bettas are very agressive and needs to be alone

    some can be with others but dont take the chance

    if you have like a 10 gallon tank try some tropicals or bottom feeders

    (ex. corys, catfish, plecos)

    if it is 5 gallons try a bottomfeeder

    if you decide to leave it alone, dont worry about it being lonely

    you could put a mirror before it and it will flare (for a few minutes everyday)

    if you would like to know more about the care for bettas, check out this site

    i find it VERY helpful

    hope that helped :)

    also read this site for more tankmate possibilities

  4. they live for 2-3 years

    but with great care they live longer

    giving it varieties of food will make your betta happy and keeps it from getting constipated

    you might have heard that bettas dont need big tanks but in fact that is not true they will certainly live longer if you put them in a bigger tank and in doing so it will lessen the stress for your fish and will cerainly make them live a longer life :)

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