
I bought a freshwater fish tank 3 days ago. been running the filter without fish, how long until I get fish?

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I bought a freshwater fish tank 3 days ago. been running the filter without fish, how long until I get fish?




  1. GOOD PATIENCE! You can go out and buy fish ASAP. Your tank should have cycled well. DOUBLE CHECK THOUGH - Check ammonia and nitrite parameters just in case. We recommend hardy fish such as goldfish to start with to prevent loosing any expensive fish if the cycle is not complete. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - Add an appropriate cycle/bacteria treatment to increase bacteria. The tank may already, or will get cloudy. Don't worry though... this is normal.  

  2. You should be ready to add fish. A ten gallon tank doesn't take long to regulate. Enjoy picking out your new buddies!

  3. Do you have a test kit? You need to test the water for ammonia nitrite and nitrate.

    First the ammonia will spike and come back down then the nitrite will do the same thing. When your test results read 0ammonia 0nitrite and >20pmm of nirtate then you can get fish

    here is a link on how this works

  4. Well, how are you cycling it? With fish or without? I cycled without. I left the filter running and added tlc for tank, every day I checked the ammonia, nitrate and nitrite. I also "Fed" the tank so the food would rot and create ammonia. Once you start seeing nitrite and nitrate you can add fish.

  5. How ever long it takes to cycle the tank.

  6. what size is your tank? You should wait at least 2 days before adding fish.  

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