
I bought a high calcium cricket food for gut loading, do i still need to get those calcium powder for dusting?

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I bought a high calcium cricket food for gut loading, do i still need to get those calcium powder for dusting?




  1. Indeed you should.

    Although you're gut loading the crickets with calcium, they can break it down and digest it so its not nearly as much calcium as your reptile needs.

    So continue dusting, you can never have too much calcium. (:

  2. Is this the "Flukers Calcium enriched cricket food"?  I tried that before I did a little research on the company (NOT GOOD PEOPLE!!!), I found it actually increased my cricket die-off ratio!!  Insects proces calcium differently, I believe that if you're dusting correctly, no additional "calcium enriched" gutload is neccassary.

    On a side note, if you're looking for a really good gutload, check out these two sites I really highly recommend (And use!): - Ronnie's got premium stuff, I;ve never seen fatter, more healthy looking bugs and it cut my die offs in half! - This site has a DIY receipe link at the bottom and I used it for years with success (still do on occassion when I can't get my normal gutload fom Ronnie).

    Good luck! ~Michelle

  3. eve through you gut load your crickets they carry a parasite and the vitd 3 helps your dragon gets the benefits we use discoid roaches they don't stink easy to take care of no noise and they don't climb and no parsite and our dragons are huge because of it if you want to see our picture email me

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