
I bought a item on ebay and it doesnt work and the seller is refusing to refund my money ? helpp

by  |  earlier

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i also have his address




  1. I would suggest u double check to see what they have under the returns section to see if they will allow returns.  Or you can contact the ebay people and file a complaint.  I would contact the seller first and let them know that if they are not going to give a refund you will file an ebay complaint.  They will most likely respond to this because it will give them a negative feedback.  Which they really don't want to get because other buyers will definitely look at that.  Hope you get the refund.  Good LUCK.  Bye...

  2. open up a claim with ebay or paypal or whoever. or you can go to his house? j/k. i say SUE!

  3. If you paid by paypal then open a dispute. You can do this b Clicking on the link below.

    Give details of why your opening the dispute and tell the seller you will be happy to send the item back in exchange for a refund. How ever NEVER close the dispute until you have the refund because once you have closed the dispute you cant open another one, this means the seller will have the item you sent back and you will  have no refund. If there is no contact off the seller after a few days then escalte the dispute to a claim.. giving relevant details i.e dates,prices, reasons etc. Paypal will then decide whether to refund you.

    if you didnt pay by paypal then i dont know!

    Good luck!!! =)

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