
I bought a new car and i had an accident,so i ain't got time to modify my car im my liability,am i covered?

by  |  earlier

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i have liability but the policy has the vin number of my old car,my new car is covered in this accident?




  1. well yes unless you got full coverage then all you would have to do is pay your deductable and you would get all the repairs done and/or get a new vehicle if you got into the accident with another vehicle and that person had insurance then there insurance would fix the damages to your vehicle if it is proved they were at fault

  2. if you only have  liability, then you're screwed.

    you will have to repair the car out of your own pockets. Liability is in case YOU caused an accident, and your insurance pays the other party.

  3. It depends on when you purchased the new car. The policy does give limited coverage for a new vehicle. This can vary from state to state. However, the insurance adjuster will need you to produce a bill of sale showing when the car was purchased. This way they can confirm the accident happened with in the time period.  If the accident happened outside the time period - there will be no coverage.

    You should speak to your agent to find out the specifics of your policy.  

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