
I bought a pictus catfish and he had white dots , what is that??

by Guest55941  |  earlier

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I bought a pictus catfish and he had white dots , what is that??




  1. My first guess would be ich. Do these cover his whole body? Keep a close eye on him. I would start a treatment using ich medicine asap. Good luck.

  2. it is a disease called ich. go to your local pet store and get some medicine for ich they have many varieties so ask questions. get the best you can get. if you follow the directions your fish will be healthy in a few days. I'm not much into the disease thing I use jungle guard for ich and that always works for me. I also isolate the sick fish in a hospital tank until it is completely cured. a hospital tank should be 10 gallons at the least and just have a heater, no gravel, water from the original tank and an airstone so as to circulate the water. good luck and hope everything works out for you.  

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