
I bought a "Home-brew" laptop and the screen has shattered. How can I get it replaced?

by  |  earlier

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I bought my laptop from and the screen has cracked in the center. The cracks spread and then blackness started to spread from the middle until I could see nothing at all. I would love to get it replaced but all the sites I have found for laptop screen replacement are looking at specific brands. Where mine is a home brew I don't really know what to do get a replacement screen and still have the laptop function so I can use it properly. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. u can hook it up to an external monitor for now, i donno what a home brew is, im guessing a custom laptop. take it in to a computer shop and ask them if they could order u a screen like that.

  2. You need to try and find out the brand of the motherboard or main board which could prove difficult, you should contact the original maker of the laptop and find out the exact model number of the motherboard then find the appropriate website for computer parts or just find a professional, there is one thing though, a new screen could cost alot, and i wouldn't advise touching where the crack is. You can hook up the laptop to a Projector/Television with a VGA Cable but it sort of takes away the point of Laptop  

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