
I bought a router and lost the cd that goes with it what can i do now???

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I bought a router and lost the cd that goes with it what can i do now???




  1. Well it depends what you want to do. If you want to install the software for the router then you can most likely go to the company's website to download it ie., etc. If you want to change some of the setting on the router then just go to The default username is admin and the default password is password. Good Luck

  2. Go to somewhere with internet service, and bring a portable flash drive with you. Go to the router company's website and download the software, tranfer it to your portable device, and install it from there on the router back home.  

  3. You don't need a CD to install a router. All the CD does is walk you through the steps on how to set it up. Router CD contain no drivers, so if you know how to configue it manually you dont need the cd. If you dont i will walk you through the steps.

    For cable modems ONLY (DSL is a different prodecure)

    1 Unplug the modem, if its a VOIP modem also you have to remove the battery backup, and turn off the computer, and leave both off for at least 1 minute.

    2 Plug in the ethernet cable from the modem to the router, usurally the back of the router will say Uplink or Internet, plug the cable into that port, not the ports that are numbered.

    2a  plug an ethernet cable from port 1 on the router to the computer

    3 plug the modem back in, and the battery if it has a battery, let modem stay on for about a minute, then plug the router on, let router stay on for about a minute, then turn the computer on.

    4 once computer fully boots up open internet explorer, you may or may not get a signal yet, if you dont its not a problem.

    5 in the adress bar type in either or depends on how the modem is configured, one of those will give u access to the router setup.

    6 you will get a prompt for username and password, usuraly its admin admin, or password password, or administrator administrator, will always be small letters, if none of those work just call the company for the default username and password.

    7 once u log in its easy to set up there will be a help screen on every page just follow the steps.

    if you have any problems just give me the model of the router and i will walk u through it step by step

    For DSL before u hook up the router, you have to go to the modem setup proties and change it from either router bridge to just routered or the other way around, i forgot which one but whatever it says cange it to the opposite one, then follow the steps as above.

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