
I bought a very recently rescued cockatiel.I know he needs time to adjust but his cage is dirty. What do I do?

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Last night I brought home a rescued cockatiel. He was rescued by people who were unexperienced with cockatiels. They did a great job but the cage is dirty. I know when first getting a new tiel you should just talk to them for the first few days. I actually have a bigger cage for him but I figured that would be too much too soon. I still think this cage is too dirty. Do I clean it and freak him even more or just wait the few days?




  1. Birds don't need all that time to adjust.  You can just give it at least 12-13 hours.  After that you can play with the bird and clean it while the bird is out of the cage.  Hope I helped!

  2. Transfer him to his new cage.  Make sure there is water/seed/pellets and fresh veggies.  

    Cockatiels DO need time to adjust.  It is very different for each tiel.  They are all individuals.  Patience is the key here.

    But let him have his time of adjustment in his new surroundings.

    My tiel Sooshee is 5 yrs. old and I've had her since she was weaned.  She still needs time to adjust when I put in a new toy!  Cockatiel Castle on Yahoo groups is a great place to get information and ask questions.

    Good luck!

    BTW, you never own a cockatiel....they own you!

  3. That depends how freaked out he gets. Does he start flying around in the cage uncontrollably because he's scared of you?

    If not, I think he's ready for a new cage.

  4. Go ahead and put him in the new cage.  He'll be a little confused, but will calm down quickly.

    Just make sure the new cage is set up with food and water.

    Best of luck to you and your new bird!

  5. please clean the cage and put him in the bigger cage to keep him health. he'll be streested but he'll be fine just leave him alone after u put him in the big cage for a bout 2-3 days

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