
I bought an item on eBay on the 26 of august and i cant pay for until the first of September and its a ?

by  |  earlier

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monyorder will i get in trouble for doing this




  1. It depends on your seller's terms of service.  All ebay sellers can set their own terms.  What form of payment, and time limit.

    What did it say on the listing?

    Communicate with your seller  - ask if it's alright.  That's the simplest way to find out.

  2. This is the kind of situation you should've cleared with the seller prior bidding, but check the listing and see if they have a timeframe for payment.  The sellers make their terms, and you need to abide by them or not bid.  

    However, right now you need to be up front with the seller and then make it a top priority to get that money order sent on Sept 1st.  When you send it, you should pay the seller the courtesy of sending a message to let them know it went out in the mail.  Good communication will rebuild any trust you lost initially, and trust = good feedback.    


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