
I bought my first car and my boyfreind coned me into putting car in his name?

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ive just got my first car and my jealaus boyfriend put the car in his name(he is band from driving) and he wont let me go in the car and he drives around in it drunk what can i do the car is insured in my name please help me




  1. Better get a lawyer.  And drop the insurance so that you're not liable for any damage he does.

  2. Ok-you should have never never never never done this. but now that you have here are some questions. How long ago did you purchase it? if it was recent-the dealership may be able to help you. Also-the insurance and registration should match up-and you don't want any problems down the line. I would get this fixed right away! And if your boyfriend is driving around drunk-he doesn't seem like the good boyfriend type-get rid of him. Ok that's personal advice...sorry! good luck.

  3. Tell him you're going to cancel the insurance if he doesn't sign the title over to you and stop drinking and driving. OR when you know he's drinking and driving call the cops and let them know where he's going (I know you don't wanna get in c**p with your boyfriend, but how bad would you feel if he got in a crashed and killed an  innocent person?)

    And I would tell him if he doesn't stop doin that kind of stuff you would leave him. You don't deserve that kind of c**p, and I'm sure if he's doing that he's probably being a jerk in other ways too.

  4. Sounds like he's using you and you don't like it.  Who does?

    So you need to know

    - Who has title to the car?

    - Who is financially responsible for paying off the loan?

    - Who is the named driver on the insurance?

    - Who has agreed to pay for the insurance?

    Ask the DMV about the title.

    Ask the loan company about who's financially responsible but don't sign anything!  They may try to manipulate you into being a co-signer.  

    Ask the insurance company the other stuff.

    If your name is on the title, simply sell the car!  Problem gone.

    If your name is on the financing, but not the title, then you've got a problem.  You are responsible for paying off the loan on the car.  Make sure payments get made.  If you don't, then you will get a very bad mark on your credit report and it will hurt your ability to buy a house later.

    If your name is not on the title or the financing, then simply cancel the insurance policy!  The finance company won't like that, and will charge the borrower with very expensive insurance to cover that.  This could quickly lead to repo, etc. but not your problem!

  5. You are in a mess for sure.This is going to be a great lesson in life for you.Not a good one though i'm afraid.Did you put a lot of money down on the car?Hopefully not.About all you can probably do is let him have the car and let him pay for it.But whatever you do get the insurance out of your name.Him driving your car drunk without a license could end up costing you high insurance rates for years!If you live in the same house and he isn't on your policy as a driver the insurance company can refuse to pay a claim.Imagine if he gets in a wreck and kills someone what could happen.Sorry to say it but it sounds like you need a better class of boyfriend.I hope it all works out for you,but get that insurance out of your name.

  6. Cancel the insurance and put sugar in the gas tank. Unless he'll sign it back over to you, it is pretty much his car now.

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