
I bought my plane ticket already for july 22 - aug 5. i wanna come back aug 27. what can i do?

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Basically i want to spend the rest of my summer in puerto rico with my family but my comming back date is august 5. IS there a way i can change the date without getting a punch of extra fees?




  1. Not really.

    You could always try though. Call the airline and make up a sob story if you have to. Or even tell them you accidently booked the wrong return date. Sometimes they make correct it without a charge. But I wouldnt count on it. It has worked for me a couple of times, but normally they tell you tough luck.

    How much it costs to change the ticket will vary, depending on the airlines change fee and the cost of the new flight you are trying to book.

  2. If you change your date now (or anytime before your departure), you will be liable for any fare difference as well as the applicable change fee.  Depending on how much you originally paid, the additional amount due could be considerable, given that you would be asking to extend your stay beyond 30 days (which is often the maximum stay allowed on cheaper plane tickets).

    An alternative (which you might wish to check with your airline about now) is to see whether it would be cheaper to wait until you get to Puerto Rico to see if it's cheaper to change the return flight after you've flown the outbound.  Many airlines will only charge the change fee to change the return flight once the first part has been used.  This is subject to availability on the desired travel date, though, and the 30-day maximum stay may also come into play here.

    If the 30-day stay prohibits you from changing your return flight to the 27th without paying even more, then you culd consider extending it to the point where the 30-day maximum would kick in.  It's a week shorter than you want, but it allows you some of the extra time you're looking for.

  3. No, you have to call the airlines and just ask.  Usually if you keep the same itinerary (same flight time, same routing, etc) there should only be a change fee, depends on your airline.  Sometimes it will be a difference in fare.  You just have to call and ask - they won't make you commit just for asking.  Good luck!

  4. ring the company you are going with and see what they can do but cant guarantee there wont be extra charges

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