
I bought some colour eye contacts 2day ,,how do i put them in ?

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I bought some colour eye contacts 2day ,,how do i put them in ?




  1. Your eye doctor should have taught you!  To put them in (right handed) hold your right eyelid up with your left hand index finger and the bottom of your eye open with your right hand ring finger.  With the contact on your right hand index finger, try to put it on your eye in the center.  It's ok to blink right after (not hard and don't squeeze your eye shut) as this will help to center the contact directly on your eye.  If it hurts terribly, it probably has something on it, so I would put eye drops in to flush it out, or take it out and wash with contact solution.  Repeat with the other eye.

  2. So I take it you've never put in a contact before? Well I don't have color contacts, but I have real contacts and I'm assuming you would put them in the same way.

    So, let's say you are going to put the first one in your right eye. Take your right hand and use the skin around your eye to open it up as much as you can. Put the contact on the index finger on your left hand. From there you just go and lightly place it on your eye. It's hard to get the hang of it at first, but it gets easy after that.

    And left eye would just be opposite - contact on index finger of right hand, left hand to open up eye.

  3. I'm guessing that not only have you never worn them, but you didn't get them from an eye doctor's office because if you had, they would have shown you how to put them in, take them out, and how to clean and care for them.  And if that's the case, how do you know that your eyes are healthy enough to wear them, or evev if you got the correct base curve, material, and diameter.  You don't.  

    In an attempt to get around paying for a thorough eye exam and contact lens fitting, you've sold your eyeballs up the creek and now risk the possibility of potnetially either hurting yourself or damaging your eyes.

    Hope it was worth it.

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