
I bought somethng online and the person never sent it to me! what should i do??

by  |  earlier

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i saw some trainers on ebay and left them and they did not sell and then i decided i wanted them so i emailed the seller and asked if i could buy them so he said yes just pay me and then they will be sent so i payed him and i have not heard from him since even thought i asked him to tell me when he sent them!




  1. Because the item wasn't a listed ebay item, ebay will be unable to help you settle this , file off a complaint with your state's attorney general's office/

  2. you can file a formal dispute w/ him through ebay, but because the item wasn't listed at the time, and it was a deal that you two worked out on your own, they might not be able to help you.

    ...hopefully you've kept the emails that you two sent back and forth, and you can use those in your dispute.

    because it wasn't a listed item when you bought it, though, it may just be that you're going to have to learn a hard lesson about getting screwed over on ebay.   I hope it doesn't turn out that way.  good luck on getting either the shoes, or your money  back.

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