
I bought the aneboda IKEA bed and it doesnt have a piece I needed! I'm so pissed! What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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should I ask them to send it to me...? will they? the store is like, an hour and a half drive and I am NOT spending my gas money on something they messed up!




  1. I agree with the answer that said contacting the store.  Explain the situation.  Tell them about gas money.  No store wants a bad rep.  Don't just call them once and wait for a phone call,  because it is just not going to happen.  The smart consumer usually gets a freebie or a discount for a foul-up like this.

  2. Call the store and (calmly but firmly) tell them what happened...if they are open to settling the problem, ask them to deliver or mail the part to you...let them know about the gas may help get you where you want to go.  Most businesses do not want to lose customers or get bad press...they'll usually try to make the customer happy.

  3. If you look on the instructions, they should have the phone number to call if parts are missing.  They will mail you the piece with no hassle.

    But before you do ... check every bit of the packing material. Sometimes parts are tucked inside what looks like a piece of padding.

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