
I bought the biore blemish fighting ice cleanser, and i can't get it to open!?

by  |  earlier

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it's one of those bottles with the top where you pump out the contents. i tried twisting the top but it doesn't do anything. i opened the bottle, but that didn't get the top to pump either. it needs to be like pulled up so it can be pumped, but i can't figure out how to do that lol.

some help please? if you've bought this product, how did u open it? but anyone can answer...




  1. i bought it too!

    i couldnt open it at 1st

    but then i asked my brother

    all he did was pull the pump thing

    up really hard then it opened and worked

  2. By the sounds of it, perhaps you can open it the way medicine is opened? By pushing down on the pump/lid and turning at the same time? I've never used this product before but that might help (:

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