
I bought tiger woods pga tour 2008 for xbox 360 and im good other than putting i dont get the elevation scale

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so i cant figure out how to use the elevation in terms of the feet from the hole and my putt power so in other words i just cant putt! help please




  1. This is a golf forum, not a video game forum.  Get off your butt and get some exercise!!

  2. Its all feel if its downhill just scale it to go about 3 feet short of the hole and let the hill do the work just like in real life. I play PC i bet the xbox is similar just hit it harder on uphill and easier on downhill calibrate remember it a go from there.

  3. depending on what level you play on you can see by the distance of the grid and the block distance. the putting is just like real life you can hammer it past .. but usually nice and easy stroke can take care of some putting. by the way I play it on the PC. hope i helped

  4. I haven't played this particular version, but nearly all golf games are identical and have identical weaknesses you can exploit.

    first, there are only 360 degrees you can possibly turn, no more, no less. therefore, you can only aim in 1 degree increments.

    since screens are 2 dimensional, the "break" is always expressed in gridline breaks. pay attention to the number of degrees needed to turn and the number of breaks in the gridline. once you figure out how the gridlines express angle, then it's very easy to convert this to the proper turn _every single time._ also, this math is so straightforward, you can nearly always figure out the exact compensation needed if your putt has to go across two different breaks.

    speed of putt: if the green is flat, it's a straight up mathematical exercise in determining how hard you have to hit the ball. if your putter max is 100 feet, and the hole is 20 feet away, you have to hit the ball with 1/5th strength.

    elevation: elevation affects how much you have to compensate speed. if the hole is below the ball, you hit less, if the hole is above the ball, you have to hit harder. again, this is nearly always a straight mathematical calculation. depending on the game, once you figure out what different elevations mean, you can figure out exactly how much harder or softer to hit the ball. for example, let's say you have a 2 foot elevation. in some games, this requires you to hit the ball twice as hard for the same distance.

    elevation + break: in the better golf games, you have to compensate for both break and elevation. if the green is breaking right, you have to aim left. however, if the green is uphill _and_ breaking right, then you have to _aim less to the left._ hitting the ball harder creates a smaller angle on the break.

    finally, remember that downhill shots are generally extremely unpredictable. in nearly every single game, it's always better to set up your putt to be uphill.

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