
I breastfeed but hardly ever take my prenatals, is that bad for me or her or both?

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I mean, i thought breastmilk would take from your reserves before it takes from itself so the baby gets plenty of nutrients and vitamins even if you dont take prenatals or have a perfect diet, right? or will my breastmilk be lacking in vitamins and thus make my baby have deficiencies?

my baby is 5 weeks old.




  1. I had the same issue after I had my son.  So, I switched to the multi vitamin I took before I gt pregnant, which is almost exactly the same except it doesn't have iron (my son takes his own multi vitamin with iron, so I'm not worried).  The vitamin I take is called Vi-Active.  It is in the form of a chocolate (or fruit flavored) chew, so I take it after lunch with my dessert.  You can find it pretty much anywhere.  I've seen them at Walmart and Target.

  2. Even with a good diet, our food is so processed now and the soils are pretty's a good safety measurement to take your vitamins.  For you and for her.  How can she get vitamins and minerals from your body, if you're not getting enough to begin with?    It's so critical to keep up your calorie and nuourishment/nutrition levels when you breastfeed.  Your body needs nutrition as well to get back to normal after having a baby.  Good nutrition is essential to being an energetic and happy Mama, so you can run around and keep up with your little sweetie!

  3. it is a good idea to take the vitamins. production of breast milk takes from your reserves, which can make you have a deficiency, which can be bad for your health. for example, if you don't get enough calcium, your body takes it from reserves- your teeth and bones. this can lead to cavities and weakened bones. also, once your reserve is depleted, there isn't much left to be in the breast milk. if you had a "perfect diet" it is fine, but who has a perfect diet?

  4. Your breastmilk won't be lacking in vitamins - like you say, if you're short, your body will make you deficient long before it makes your milk deficient. It's pretty much impossible to make breastmilk that's lacking in anything.

    But you need a decent diet. Not just vitamins - you need real food with actual calories and nutrients in it :) Your baby won't get a good start in life if her mum is weak and exhausted. Do it for her even when you don't feel like doing it for yourself.

  5. Think for yourself -  breast milk does no have DHA or Folic acid - these are the key sources for you baby - and the reason we take prenatals while pregnant. All formulas have them, so you need to keep taking your vitamins - prenatals while breastfeeding. Well, at least I do.

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