
I broke a fluresent light bulb last night am i going to die part 2

by  |  earlier

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I broke a fluresent light bulb last night am i going to die but i clean it and placed the blub into a sealed plastic bag and put it in the garbage i did not inhale i was freaking out last night but how do i know that i still will live




  1. I've broken dozens of tubes over the years and I still wake up every morning.  

  2. If you wake up every morning then you will know that you lived. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you were going to die, I'm sure you would be very sick or on death's door by now.

  3. I've broke a few flourscent bulbs at work, and I'm just fine. Currently the industry is breaking away from toxic tubes and going to more enviormentally friendly tubes. If you broke a tube that has a green end, relax and change your undies, you'll be fine. If you broke ones with a silver, then relax and change your undies. You have to get a lot of exposure to the Hg (Mercury) to actually cause harm. Just remember that you're probably hurting the ozone more than yourself.

  4. >> i did not inhale

    Very good.


    >>  how do i know that i still will live

    You are still alive - trust me.


    Mercury poisoning is very LONG TERM thing.  Once quick exposure that you didn't inhale is not going to kill you.

    Just watch both ways before crossing the street.  More people die from crossing the street than from Mercury poisoning.

    Good Luck...

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