
I broke a window?

by Guest64850  |  earlier

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i broke a window i want to replace it its 11 and a half its height and 6 and a half width where can i buy a replacement one for a cheap price where i can pay for it with paypal and they ship it to me thanks




  1. Go to your local hardware store with the exact measurements and they will cut you a piece

  2. Ebay

  3. I had a similar problem last summer. I lost an ice cube and eventually found a replacement in Egypt ( advertised in Loot ). They posted it to me and I paid them with American Express.

  4. Do to your neighbour with a kid and blame it on them, demand they fix it lol.

    Good luck

  5. Go to your local window replacement/glass store and ask them. I am pretty sure they'll be able to help you.

  6. single pane glass is available at Lowes and Home Depot and most hardware stores and glass companies.  They will cut to fit.

    If it is double wall, insulated or decorative then you have to call a door and glass company which will repair.

  7. huh
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