
I broke my leg 3days ago skateboarding does any1 know how long it will take tell i can skate again?

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I broke my leg 3days ago skateboarding does any1 know how long it will take tell i can skate again?




  1. well it wil take at least 6 weeks to heel and a couple more to get the strength back into the leg.. so you could be done until the end of August

  2. It really depends on how you broke your leg. you should ask your doctor, because there is no real way for people on the internet to tell you how long it will take, because you could've broken it in more than one place, or had just a small fracture, or a really severe one, but 'generally' it takes 6-8 weeks for a fracture to heal. but this may be different in your case, so ASK YOUR DOCTOR.  good luck.

  3. Oh man that sux. It'll take at least 6 weeks to heal the bone maybe longer if its a bad break. then you may need to do some physio. I've dislocated my arm skateboarding and that took 3 to 4 weeks and thats quite minor in comparison.

    Heal Quick good luck


  4. sometimes it takes 2-3 months

  5. at least 8 weeks maybe 12 depending on the severity of the break

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