
I broke my toe!! Holy c**p!!!

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Now, before I get any responses that say "Go to the doctor" or "OMG, head to the ER right now" let me just say that it's not that bad. It is not sticking through the skin, nor is it bent at some ungodly angle. So, with that said, I was hoping to get some advice from people who have experience with broken little piggies.

It's the toe next to the pinky toe. It's swollen, but not too much and it crackles and pops when I move it (thus my own diagnosis of broken toe). I have elevated it, put ice on it and taped three toes together to stabilize it. I've also taken 800mg of advil.

So, us there really anything else to do for it? I know that were I to go to the doctor, they would do exactly what I have done, except they would have charged hundreds of dollars for it. Let me know if you have any suggestions that come straight from personal experience and not from a cut and paste from the internet (I know how to Google, people). Thank you!




  1. You've done all you can! Strapping it to the next toe is all A & E will do!  Hope it doesn't hurt too much.

  2. straight up p***y! I hope you overdose on your xanax!

  3. I believe that you should put ointment on it so it won't swell up and put it under pillows so it won't get any pressure. I hope it turns out ok and right back with responses.

  4. Use cructhes and avoid walking on that foot.  

  5. I broke my pinky toe a few months back and did the same thing. I fixed it up just like you did, and stayed off of it. It healed up fairly quickly with it being strapped down.

    I think you've done everything that you can really. Just stay off of it, and put something protective around it so you don't bump it again, like I did. I got some bubble wrap though and wrapped it to where it had a couple of inches coming off of it. It worked great at keeping people and things from touching the tip.

    Nice job at your bravery. I don't think you are wimpy. On the contrary, if more people took care of themselves then we might could show insurance companies what we really think of them.

  6. You could try not being a total wimp.  Eh?  Eh?

  7. sorry to hear that you injuried yourself, sounds like your doing the right thing,if it doesnt feel better in a few days i would have a doc,or get an x-ray to make sure its ok, good luck

  8. get over it  whimp  

  9. Sounds like you did everything right!  

  10. Yes I broke my pinky toe once...right before we went shoe shopping for school! lol It will hurt for awhile, but nothing bad ever happened from it, I think you did pretty much everything you could.  

  11. Google this - you're an idiot.  

  12. maybe if you didn't sound so annoying ,we'd be more likely to help you.  


  13. lol

    *not from a cut and paste from the internet (I know how to Google, people). Thank you!*

    Love it! ;)

    Honestly..there isn't much more you can do. You've done it all ;)

    It's like the I-C-E thing..

    put ice..compress..and elevate (or something like that..I'm frenchsorry lol)

    Hope you get to feeling better soon

  14. First off you poor thing!!! I broke & dislocated my little toe last year & I've broken two others at different times so I think this qualifies me as an expert. Go get a band and tape your broken toe next to the unbroken one, leave this on for several weeks. Other than that keep taking your advil & prop up your foot for a while w/ice. Hope you feel better!

  15.    Sounds like you have it pretty much covered.

    The only thing that I can think of from having broken a toe myself is.

    Contrast baths for your foot.  As it starts to heal a little more....

    Get two pans of water that your foot will fit into, put water and ice in one and hot water in the other. Put your foot in the cold water first and then the hot water.  Go back and forth between hot and cold.

    What this does is increase the circulation in your foot to speed the healing process and help the bones to grow back together.

       It does not feel wonderful to do this but since the circulation in the foot is not the best, it's a necessary evil.

  16. stay in bed  

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