
I broke off the little pin off from my rca cable off in my amp how can i get it out?

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I broke off the little pin off from my rca cable off in my amp how can i get it out?




  1. The first answer didn't answer your question at to get the pin OUT!

    Been there, done that! IF the pin is a 'hollow' tube-and you can see the end of can take a paper clip and fine needle nose pliers, make a 'hook' in one end of the paper clip and slide it into the tube, apply a little sideways force to get the hook to grab, and slide the tube out.

    IF you can get some fine needle nose pliers right in there-you can pull it out.

    If neither way works, if you can open the shell of the amp up, OR I've seen the cable 'sockets' screwed in from the outside...with power have a chance that from behind the socket you can use a pin and push the broken 'male plug' out.

    If it's really jammed in there-and the socket itself can be removed-a little soldering, screwdriver, etc.-take it to Radio Shack and pick up a new one and install it.

    Shouldn't cost more than a couple bucks.

  2. The connector is dead.  The only thing you can do is to

    (1) replace the cable if the cable is separate unit

    (2) replace the connector if the cable is physically part of the amp.

    You will have to learn to solder and use shrink tubing.

    Good Luck...

  3. iv done the same thing b-4 take a small drill bit a lil smaller than the pin and try to drill it out wen i did mine the drill bit pulled the pin out good luck take ur time

  4. METHOD 1

    s***w a small s***w into the back of the broken pin

    while continuing to turn the s***w, slowly pull it out of the hole with the pin attached

    METHOD 2

    Straighten out a paper clip

    Put a drop of super glue on the end

    Insert the paper clip into the broken pin

    Wait a bit for the glue to set up

    Pull out the paper clip with teh broken pin attached to it

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