
I broke something (property)! HELP! What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok this is the deal

I was playing soccer and this kid stared at me for a really long time. I didn't know what his problem was whether he wanted to fight or not. So my nerves started trembling. My heart started to race. When I walked up to the bench I stared to see if he would stare back. He didn't. I walked up to my building. I threw the soccer ball at anger towards the building's door which is made of crystal. You know how you have that space between the intercom, the door, and the door where u actually enter the building? I got so angry I pushed the crystal and I was like WTF the thing almost broke. It looked like someone shot the crystal. I ringed my apartment and I ran fast up stairs so I could know that no one saw it was me. Right now nobody knows I did anything. It's been about 25 minutes. I did this out of anger. I am only 15 btw. The only way I can release the anger inside of me is by pushing things, bagging on the wall, etc. I just hate it when people stare at me because..




  1. The proper thing is to confess.. that shows you got at least the guts to realize this was your fault and you should accept the blame for the mistakes you make in life. and even if they will be angry with you.. say it was an accident.. don't tell them you did this out of anger.. but own up to it.. then they will at least admire you for your honesty and you do need help.. you do need to see your doctor.. and talk to him and tell him about your anger.. and I believe if you join a course for anger management.. you will benefit a lot from this and in the future when you get angry again you will find a good way to deal with it.. if you join an anger management therapy.. which you do need.. and your doctor will treat your talk to him as confidential but tell him about all that anger and tell him what causes it in your opinion..  he will give you advice.. he cannot force you to have treatment if you don'[t want to but he can give you his opinion what is best for you to do.. about this anger problem.. xx

  2. Dont run be mature about it. You get in more trouble if you wait. Heres what i would have done, go to the building's manager/ anyone who takes ownership in it. Explain what happened but be mature about it. (crying a little bit never hurts they down the punishment usually) go to someone who has never been mad at you before so it seems like a first time mistake. Tell them about the other kid. Say your sorry and are willing to replace any damage (when you take responsibility for actions they usually let you off the hook) Good luck :)

  3. if youre going to have a guilty conscience about it, its best to tell someone, if you're absolutely sure no one saw you and you have no problem lying and wont feel bad about it than dont tell anyone

    you should probably tell someone, unless its really expensive

  4. you own up to it.  But read again what you wrote.  You have some issues there man.  Get yourself into a good counsellor and figure out how to get over this anger problem and supposed staring thing.  If you don't get some help, I believe you'll probably break something bigger and more expensive than a crystal door k**b - like hurting a person.

    Figure out why you are so bothered by this - read this question again  okay.  

    Get counselling.

    good luck

  5. Own up to it.

  6. Tell your parents and the Super. Someone else may have seen you anyway. Then get a punching bag for your stress. it will be very therapeutic.

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