
I brought 2 different brands of DTV converters,and l discovered one worked better than the other? Why?

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I've been using Zenith DTV converter box for 2 months and out of the blue my local ABC station just disappeared, and it said "no signal",it happened before but it came back after a few hours,now it has been weeks.

Then l switched it to thte G.E brand, and the missing channels re appeared and it also added couple of new local HD T.V stations.

Does the converter box's conditions deteriorated as time goes on? Should l be worrying about my new box?




  1. They are probably just testing. Thats why its going out & on again. New channels have probably just been added also. You put new batteries in it -right? jk

  2. Different boxes may be using different TV tuners and different demodulators/decoders

    Do try to do a new channel scan on the Zenith and perhaps everything will be back.

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