
I bruise very easily and have been anemic for quite some time. Do you think it's pretty normal?

by  |  earlier

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I have migraines on and off. I also had a test once (while in the hosp. to have a baby) where they cut my arm to see how long it would take my blood to clot. It took evidently longer than it should have. I had to go home and take steroids for a couple days. I am tired a lot, but chalk it up to life. I'm not a hypochondriac, I promise. I just hate going to the doctor. Thanks for giving me your thoughts! :)




  1. if your blood is very thin, you will bruise easier. are you taking blood thinners, or aspirin daily? that could be a reason. other than that, are you bumping into too many things? if you hate going to a doctor, but you have all these medical problems, you are going to have to suck it up and start going, aren't you?

  2. I advise you to get an AA count. It sounds to me like you have an autoimmune disease. I would go to the doctors and ask them what they thought and ask them to run an autoimmune disease profile and see what they find. I really hope this helps! To me it kind of sounds like Lupus.. But have it checked out!  

  3. If you are anemic then you will bruise very easy. Diabetics bruise easy also. Follow your Doctors orders and rest. You'll be be Ok  enjoy your life   for life is very short. Do not let any illness put you down.

    People she said she was tested in the hospital and had to take medication for it.  (READ her question)

  4. "Easy" bruising and anemia are certainly not normal.

    How do you know you are anemic?

    The test you mentioned is notoriously unreliable, so forget it.

    Afraid you're gonna have to see a doctor if you want a fix for your problems.

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