
I burn a small part of my face with a hot curling iron....?

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from 1-10 (ten being the hottest) the iron was on 7.....i need to know how long it will take to heal, and if i put some makeup to cover it will that interfere with the healing process...i really do not want a scar...someone help me




  1. first off I would put some neosporin on it and I wouldn't put makeup over it till it heals. Wow that has to hurt!

  2. Ouch...I would put some cool water on it right away to stop the burning. How long it will take to heal depends on how bad it is and how big it is. I would put a cool cloth on it until it cools off. (when it gets warm re-wet it) Then put some antibiotic ointment on it and a bandage. See how it looks tomorrow. If it hurts to put make-up on it, I wouldn't.  

  3. Ouch!!! I have done that many times.  I would put some aloe vera on the burn if you have some. I wouldn't put makeup on it cuz you want to keep it clean.  It may not hurt right now but it will. It's gonna scab and don't pick the scab because it will just scab over again. Will take several days to a week to heal depending on how bad you got yourself. If you take care of it, and keep it clean, there shouldnt be any scaring.  None of my burns caused any scaring. Good luck.

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