
I burned the trace off the PCB. Can a jumper wire be used here??

by  |  earlier

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I managed to through my traces on my PCB when taking off the black epoxy.... That's really not the bad news though.....i cut the trace to the board coming from the chip leg that was connecting to the board so the entire trace under the chip has been severed. I also pulled some of the trace on the end there too to the left as shown.

When looking at the board without the chip is looks as if the SST chip runs directly into the chip above it. Would it work to create a jumper wire from the leg on the above chip to the correct leg on the SST chip to bypass the need for a new trace??? Is there anything under the trace that needs to get touched or is the copper just running along the board?? are some examples...however these are not my pics....mine looks exactly the same but the trace is cut at the chip leg itself just wanted to get a few opinions on whether the jumper cable would work. Thanks




  1. you can but be careful not to make any solder bridges between adjacent connections. also use a fine blade like a stanley knife to cut away any  loose copper from the damaged trace.

    cant see your pics so cant really comment more on it.

  2. I'm getting a 404 on the links you provided

    If all you did was sever the single run a jumper wire would be your best bet at salvaging the PCB.  I'm assuming you cut it without power applied and haven't powered it up since?

    I'd gamble it's worth it if it's a single or even a dual-layer PCB.  Can you tell how many layers were cut?

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