
I burnt my tounge :[ how do I make it stop hurting?

by Guest21199  |  earlier

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Ok so I was making soup on the stove and I guess I am stupid enough to try it right out of the pot. I didn't know how hot it would be. It burned my tounge and it feels all rough and weird and it kind of hurts I don't know how to explain it. How can I make it go away? I am 13 btw.




  1. There is no real good answer to this.  Burns are painful.  There are topical anesthetics out there like benzocaine, but they are TOXIC if swallowed.  Ice or milk will only relieve the pain temporarily.  The best thing to do is to take some aspirin.  It will help a little bit with the pain and swelling.  If you can stand the taste, you can even chew it and let it sit on your tongue.  Don't take more than the recommended dose, though.

  2. bread... i'm not kidding

  3. Lovely -- I've scalded my tongue at least a million times; it hurts like h**l, but it's not figuratively serious. Rinsing your mouth out with cold water will soothe the pain as well as keeping it clean. You don't have to drink it, just  rinsing and spitting works fine. The pain usually stops after the first day or so, but I'd avoid eating any hot food in the meantime, as tongue scalds can last for up to a few days. Also, putting an ice cube in your mouth and letting it melt on your tongue numbs it for a bit.

  4. Hey! I did just the same thing last week. Its going to feel like that for maybe a day or two. It'll go away though. I'm not sure if the toothpaste thing will work, but give it a shot. You can also try ice.

  5. Ice

  6. put some ice on it.

  7. Milk will work but another thing for any burn is take Vanilla (like in the bottle) and put some on a paper towel and stick it on the burn for a little while, it makes the burn go away i'm 15 and i've been doing this since i was your age so try it

  8. try drinking some ice water. it should numb your tongue so that it won't be hurting as bad.  

  9. Rinse with ICE COLD water and salt mixed together,

  10. MILK. its wont stop but it shold ease the pain right out. me 13 as well

  11. i eat ice cream!! it takes your mind of it and helps heal it!:)

  12. Suck on an ice cube. That will cool the burning.

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