
I but my old budgie a new companion. Is it possible for these two to get along?

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My old budgie is three years old and has never seen a parakeet before, but since he is so fond of his little mirror I figured he'd be thrilled to have an actual budgie with him and not an imaginary one. To my chagrin, he has attacked the bird twice and he only plays with the mirror. Should I keep them separated forever or at least try to keep them together at some point? Also, my new keet (bojangles) is very quiet and unused to the new food. How do I train my new keet and get him active and eating? He flies away from me whenever I go near him. I bought him an hour ago.




  1. Okay, so, first of all; it is possible that they will never get along, and if that is the case, as long as you can divide your time there's no problem in having two birds in two separate cages.

    There are steps to introducing a new bird, and most of the time it's vital to take them or else they won't get along. Parakeets are very territorial despite their lack of sense of smell, so what you need to do is either introduce them outside of the cage (best option), introduce them in the new parakeet's cage (if he has one), or sometimes it's possible to rearrange the old parakeet's cage so it doesn't recognize it, and introduce them there. It's not a bad idea even if they do get along to have a separate cage in case one day there being unfriendly, or if you feel that they're getting too attached and no longer want your attention. I bought a new parakeet a few months ago and he gets along fine with my old one, but he hasn't really warmed up to me since he prefers another bird. If they end up getting along, be sure to observe them and make sure they're letting each other eat and play on toys without getting territorial.

  2. You need to keep them separated for now.  They may never get along, and your old bird may totally resent a new bird being in or near its cage.  Budgies do not require companions, and sometimes it is a big mistake to get them one.  On one hand, if they do get along, they will not need you, and may start to bite you and not want to be handled.  On the other hand, which is most common, they can never be put into the same cage because of fighting.  Injuries can be very serious or even deadly.  Your bird enjoys playing with its mirror.  This is NOT an indication that he is lonely or wants a companion.  It simply means he enjoys seeing his own reflection..  Clip your new birds wings before trying to train him.  They should be kept clipped for your birds safety anyhow.  Lots of birds are injured many times from flying around in the house and hitting things, like mirrors, windows, walls, etc.  They can easily die from broken necks and this is very common.  Please read my profile.

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