
I buy pieces of prepared chicken at the store. Can I re-use the plastic container it comes in?

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Also can I bring it into restaurants and use it instead of the Styrofoam boxes?




  1. of course! In fact, you are being very environmentally friendly by doing so. i hope you know how bad burning plastic is for our environment. so is styrofoam. but, i hope you wash it very carefully because it may cause some really bad diseases if you do not.  

  2. As long as you wash it properly you can re-use it. To be cautious I don't use them for food but for paint and such for art projects.  I'm not sure about the restaurant thing, I think most would frown on it, but hey give it a whirl.

  3. if you mean fully cooked by prepared than sure as long as you wash it properly afterwards,if the chicken is raw becareful wash the container really good.I guess its like the tuperware containers I reuse for my lunches.

  4. Hi,

    Yes, you certainly can reuse it!!

    I make sure everyone in the house who gets take-out saves thier containers--even styrofoam because i don't want it out there until it is worn out beyond use. NEVER keep food in styro for long, and NEVER heat food up in it. Plastic too for that matter. just for a day or so is allright.

    you can pack leftovers in your chicken trays instead of buying storage containers (what a real waste of our resouces!). You can certainly bring your own container to the restaurant--who cares what they think??? YOU are the customer.

    Use them to bring lunch to work. Store items in them. craft supplies, buttons, etc.

    We have lots of family dinners that all our grown up kids come to. They always want to take some food home--perfect for that--you don't loose much if you never see it again.

    take brownies to work or next door or...

    The really large ones that cakes come in are great for storing small hats so they don't get squashed and stay dust free.

  5. sure why not.. good idea!

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