
I call in sick from work 2 hrs.before my shift start but an hour later i encounter my boss @ a shopping mall.?

by  |  earlier

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would i get fired?




  1. Umm not unless you have a REALLY nice boss.

  2. your s***w'd.

  3. yes probably b/c you lied to your boss and you shouldn't have  and if you were sick or not sick you shouldn't have gone out in the first place so it's your fault if you get fired you should be a shamed of yourself

  4. Unless your doctor's office is at the mall, you'd better be able to do some pretty fancy talking to not get fired.

  5. I am sure there would be some sort of discipline.

    Where I work, if it happens once you're suspended for a day without pay.

    Three times and you are gone.

  6. Bet you are sick now!!!

    Sorry but you are screwed!

    Sandy  :O)

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